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Re: The Solarian Imperial Archive is back!
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general, lugnet.publish
Sat, 8 May 2004 08:01:35 GMT
83 times
In, Jon Palmer wrote:
   In, Jordan D. Greer wrote:
   Finally, after a year of procrastination, I’ve gotten my site a new host. Ozbricks stopped hosting without any warning, damn them. Anyhow, here it is:

After clicking through a dozen pages I just end up on brickshelf to view MOCs. So I ask politely...what is the point of the website?

I decided to give my MOCs a backstory, pointless perhaps, but I don’t really care. Politely, just because you don’t personally like to give your MOCs a backstory, it doesn’t mean that others share your same inclination, witness the dozens of similar story-MOC sites. Are they likewise pointless to people other than their authors? Of course, but that’s not the purpose of them. When I post my MOCs I do indeed provide direct links to brickshelf, not just the site. So, politely once again, what exactly is wrong with making a website?

   You should at the very least link to BSV. Brickshelf is horrid enough on it’s own, much less jumping out at you on a website.
This seems slightly faster than brickshelf, and the interface is somewhat superior, but other than that, if I’m simply linking to a folder, what’s the point? The only true advantages that I see to BSV are the slideshow and resize features. What exactly do you mean by “jumping out”? The new window that appears when you click a link to pictures?


   [ j o n ]

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: The Solarian Imperial Archive is back!
(...) I never said backstory was pointless or even brought that up. I'm not sure where you're going exactly but I'll go with it. Here's how it is: If you don't have some great MOCs to begin with no one reads your stories. Even then most people skip (...) (21 years ago, 8-May-04, to, lugnet.general, lugnet.publish, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The Solarian Imperial Archive is back!
(...) So I ask politely...what is the point of the website? You should at the very least link to (URL) BSV>. Brickshelf is horrid enough on it's own, much less jumping out at you on a website. (URL) [ j o n ] (URL)> (URL) moonbase> (URL) (...) (21 years ago, 8-May-04, to, lugnet.general, lugnet.publish, FTX)

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