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Re: Photos of The Vault / 'new' classic space set?
Thu, 6 May 2004 16:27:18 GMT
2254 times
In lugnet.general, Huw Millington wrote:

"Tim Courtney" <> wrote in message
In lugnet.general, Huw Millington wrote:

Here are some pictures I took in there, and also in the new 'museum' area
that is being set up in the same building.

Hi Huw -

I'm surprised they allowed you to take (and post) pictures. When I was there in
2002, I was asked to put my camera away.

I only spent a little time inside. It was only one part of a perhaps hour-long
personal tour of the Idea House. It must have been great to spend several hours

Photos in the idea house were not allowed, but I specifically arranged to go
to the vault for Brickset research purposes, and confirmed that photographs
were permited beforehand.

I was allowed to take photos in the upper level of the Idea House, with the mock
toy store, original molds, and 1950s toy store museum (which you have photos
posted of). Also, I took them in the basement outside of the vault, with
clone/counterfeit displays, but was not allowed to inside the fault itself.

I saw all but the main floor, which I was told had the next year's products out
on display. I would have gladly signed an NDA to see them, but that wasn't an

I didn't mention that while I was in there I was interviewed and
photographed by the LEGO Life [1] reporter, so if you get to see that, look
out for me in a future issue! I was asked to pick a favourite set with which
to be photographed with. I chose one of the Maersk truck sets...

Cool! I'll keep a lookout :-)


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Photos of The Vault / 'new' classic space set?
"Tim Courtney" <> wrote in message (...) area (...) there in (...) hour-long (...) hours (...) Photos in the idea house were not allowed, but I specifically arranged to go to the vault for (...) (21 years ago, 6-May-04, to lugnet.general)

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