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Re: New homepage for LUGNET
lugnet.admin.general, lugnet.publish.html, lugnet.general,
Tue, 24 Feb 2004 09:21:57 GMT
89 times
Jindroush wrote:
Sorry, don't want to troll/flame, but I wouldn't call 1000steine
'European'. German, yes. European, no.
Well, to clarify this issue:

I called an European site as it is indeed located in
Europe. Just in contrast to American sites, Asian sites, etc. I never
said that should be the ultimate paneuropean solution to
all things LEGO.

I also mentioned that non-english sites could be marked with flags to
indicate their main language. So would be a site located
and rooted in Europe, with its main language being German.

> Althought I'm living in the
> neighborhood, I can't grok a word from that site.

> I'd be happy to provide czech translations of any interesting
> {open} site, although our market is small {no money, LEGO's
> incompetence/ignorance}...
Ok, so who keeps you from opening a site in czech?

Yours, Christian

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: New homepage for LUGNET
(...) Yeah, I want to apologize again, I've read 'The European Site' (the only) instead of 'An European Site' (one of). (...) Rather not, thank you ;-)))))))) Publisher and contentwise responsible: René hoping master Rose way 3 16727 upper (...) (21 years ago, 24-Feb-04, to lugnet.admin.general, lugnet.publish.html, lugnet.general,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New homepage for LUGNET
(...) Sorry, don't want to troll/flame, but I wouldn't call 1000steine 'European'. German, yes. European, no. Althought I'm living in the neighborhood, I can't grok a word from that site. That's why I support WorldLUG/LEGOFan stuff, they aim (...) (21 years ago, 20-Feb-04, to lugnet.admin.general, lugnet.publish.html, lugnet.general,

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