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Re: Nicely now. What do you think of the new colors?
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general
Tue, 20 Jan 2004 03:12:26 GMT
120 times
I’m reposting this from a thread at FBTB:

I’m a stickler for color matching and schemes, building in sometimes wacky color schemes, yes, but always unified. For a person like me, the two greys are distinct colors, one better used with blues (the new) one better used with reds.

The creation of a new color bothers me not (although I may go blind sorting through bricks now ). Instead, it is the destruction and discontinuation of another color. This reminds me of the death of Paradisa. I remember looking at the pitiful selection of Paradisa Pink in the stores (and in later years on Bricklink and Peeron) wanting it in quantity to build Miami-type Deco buildings. That color was discontinued (for the great part, as Bricks are concerned) from the consumer pallate. No big loss, as my collection of pink is tiny. I will never build that pink and white apartment building in Paradisa pink.

But, my collection of grey outstrips my collection of pink. I can go to the store today, point to a set, and odds are it contains grey. My albeit-small-collection is flowing with grey, so much so that I need to seek out uses for the color. Discontinuing a color that, as the odds point to, EVERY child in America that owns LEGO has in their collection destroys the building viability of that color for the children like I used to be, a furvorent color matcher.

This brighter color was done for the children?

Wow, that wasn’t supposed to be that long or heartfelt...

-John Rudy

(To Visit the Full Thread, and read the views of some other FBTB-ers, go to

Message is in Reply To:
  Nicely now. What do you think of the new colors?
It's only a couple of weeks in the new year, and it looks like it's going to be an interesting 2004! I have a request, but before I go any further, let me say that personally, I understand the concerns surrounding the color changes. I know many of (...) (21 years ago, 15-Jan-04, to, lugnet.general, FTX) !! 

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