Re: where is minifigure from?? light pink torso, dark pink arms
Thu, 4 Sep 2003 02:43:36 GMT
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In lugnet.general, Monica Parra wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I came about with this really cute minifigure, but I can't seem to get any info
> on where this minifigure is from.
> Here is a picture of her:
> She looks like she is from a paradisa set, I have looked but she is not.
> Any help would be super greatly appreciated!!!!
> Can email me at if anybody has any info!
> Thanks!
> Monica
Hi Monica,
I believe the figure you are interested in came in only one set. I could be
wrong about that, but I know it came in one particular set. It was a freestyle
set that came out in 1996 and the number was 4161. The set came in a oval pink
case like a purse. It also contained the pink lattice windows. It is fairly
rare to find one still sealed for sale, but you see them show up on ebay once in
a while that have been opened and played with. There was another set that was
released about then that had some pink parts and may have had the pink female
torso. It was number 4151. The pictures I have of those sets are small and
it's hard to tell what was in what. I know about the 4161 set because I own
about 4 of them.
I hope this answers your questions!
Tom Reed
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