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 General / 41438
    Re: 4101 and 4401 designer sets —Richard Morton
   Thanks for posting that Huw - I'm fevourishly waiting for them to become available in the USA. In this picture (URL) it looks like the wedge plates in the top left hand corner are 4 studs long - is that the case? If so, I believe that this is a new (...) (22 years ago, 10-Mar-03, to lugnet.general)
        Re: 4101 and 4401 designer sets —Huw Millington
    "Richard Morton" <> wrote in message (...) Yes it is, in red, brown and black. They have appeared elsewhere in grey: (URL) If so, I believe that this is a new piece and fits these items (...) (22 years ago, 10-Mar-03, to lugnet.general)

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