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Re: Bricks on the Brain Building Instructions Portal live!
Thu, 13 Jun 2002 23:21:12 GMT
1103 times
In lugnet.general, Cary Clark writes:
Very impressive, Jake. Thanks for adding this resource to the community.

Still, I'm not sure how to make use of it. For instance, suppose I'd like to
build the JHM-23 Diesel Locomotive. The parts list is a great place to
start. Once I've acquired the parts though, I have to sit in front of the
computer and click through the steps one at a time.

I've tried putting all of the steps on a laptop, and that's not too bad. I
create my own HTML document and paste in all of the JPEGs (or, being a
programmer, I write code that pastes in all of the JPEGs.) Then I can view
that document, have it load all of the JPEGs, disconnect from the network,
and carry the laptop to the subterrainian LEGO storage facility (i.e., the
How do you see the construction instructions being used?

Printing color instructions eats ink like crazy. For those with a color PDA the
program Fireviewer for Palm OS works great. I download the jpegs to my
computer, then use Fireconverter and compress the files 50% and to 256 colors
to keep the size manageable. Then hotsync to my Sony Clie (128 MB Memory Stick
holds LOTS of instructions) My computer and LEGO stash are on 2 different
floors so this is waaay handy  :)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Bricks on the Brain Building Instructions Portal live!
(...) Very impressive, Jake. Thanks for adding this resource to the community. Still, I'm not sure how to make use of it. For instance, suppose I'd like to build the JHM-23 Diesel Locomotive. The parts list is a great place to start. Once I've (...) (23 years ago, 13-Jun-02, to lugnet.general)

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