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 General / 35391
35390  |  35392
brickshelf revision
Tue, 29 Jan 2002 21:35:43 GMT
832 times
Hey all,

I don't know if it's been discussed here, but I really like the new option
on Brickshelf of dividing up into themed galleries.  Thanks, Kevin.  That's
a good answer to the "why is there so much bionicle stuff?" complaint.

Question.  Is there an easy way to go back and re-designate existing folders
under a category like "train" or "castle"?  I found that if I uploaded a new
image to a folder I could set the preferences for the whole folder.  That
worked, but I ended up flooding the "recent" list with several of my
folders, which weren't really new content.  Not a big problem, but I felt
bad as it knocked some truly new content down on the list.


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