Re: Problem w/ Gallery @
Sat, 18 Aug 2001 17:54:12 GMT
797 times
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In lugnet.general, Franklin W. Cain writes:
> I was trying to access some of my files and folders
> in my Gallery account in BrickShelf, and I kept getting
> "server errors". I checked out "",
> and that was working OK, but whenever I clicked on
> any of the links for the Gallery, I got that "server
> error" message again.
I got the exact same message. I went back and tried again, and also
refreshed it, but I got the same message.
> I've been getting this error message whenever I try
> to access something at the Gallery, but only at the
> Gallery (not at BrickShelf proper).
> Is anyone else having this problem today?
> (I didn't have this problem yesterday.)
> Thanks,
> Franklin
> =====
> . /\ Franklin W. Cain /\ .
> . /_ \ Programmer for Hire / _\ .
> . / 0> \ "" / <0 \ .
> . /______\ "" /______\ .
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Problem w/ Gallery @
| I was trying to access some of my files and folders in my Gallery account in BrickShelf, and I kept getting "server errors". I checked out "", and that was working OK, but whenever I clicked on any of the links for the Gallery, I (...) (24 years ago, 18-Aug-01, to lugnet.general)
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