Mr L F Braun wrote:
> In lugnet.trains, Bob Hayes writes:
> > In lugnet.trains, James Stacey writes:
> > > Its a fact that whenever you buy a box of LEGO from a car boot sale (here in
> > > cardiff at least) It'll have a good few Tyco And MegaBlox in it.
> > >
> > > I do enjoy binning them
> >
> > James,
> >
> > My English ain't so good. Please translate: "car boot sale" and "binning"
> > Thanks
> >
> > Bob
> Fellow 'Muricans (and Britons):
> Here's a useful idiom-digger for US/UK idioms. Who knows, it
> may help save a life (or avoid a head scratching):
> http://www.peak.org/~jeremy/dictionary/dict.html
> But in short, "binning" = pitching/tossing/----canning/throwing out;
> "car boot sale" has no direct analogue, but it's a sort of impromptu
> flea market, held literally out of people's car boots (trunks, to
> those in in the US). I'd say "garage sale" but it's really not
> quite so static or formal.
Hamfests (events where ham or amateur radio enthusiasts gather, not
places to find the latest scoop on cured pork) often have a "tailgating"
area which is basically the same thing, though semi-formalized (it's
usually free or just a few bucks). It has a nice advantage over having a
table in that when you feel your sales have almost stopped and you want
to go inside and see what else is for sale you can just throw the good
stuff back in the car and leave the junk with a "take me" sign or an
envelope with an "honor system" sign.
Frank Filz
Work: mailto:ffilz@us.ibm.com (business only please)
Home: mailto:ffilz@mindspring.com
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