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 General / 31438
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Sand Red
Fri, 29 Jun 2001 12:25:56 GMT
460 times
Noticed a wide range of Sand Red bricks has been added to shop@home, though not available yet

Plus plate packs


Message has 4 Replies:
  Re: Sand Red
(...) ...and yellow and blue brick packs! I feel that these comprehensively rule and exhort S@H to 'bring it on'. Cheers Lawrence Psi (24 years ago, 29-Jun-01, to lugnet.general,
  Getting better but still one nitpick (Re: Sand Red)
(...) not available yet Better, we now have 1x2, 2x2, 2x4, and 1x6 This is a good start although 1x4s and 1x1s would have been nice. I also see 2x4 45 degree slopes and 2x4 45 degree roof peeks. This is the nit... Color is great but part variety in (...) (24 years ago, 29-Jun-01, to lugnet.general)
  Re: Sand Red
(...) They may not be 'available' yet, but I've got a bunch on order! The item numbers are 10003 through 10008, if anyone is looking for them. JohnG, GMLTC (24 years ago, 29-Jun-01, to lugnet.general)
  Re: Sand Red
(...) Some of the Sand Red bricks are now shipping! I received a ship confirmation email saying that the 1x2, 2x4 and 2x4 roof bricks have shipped. Hopefully the other ones will be shipping very soon! JohnG, GMLTC (24 years ago, 11-Jul-01, to lugnet.general)

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