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Re: Pokemon LEGO Sculpture - designer please read!
Tue, 5 Jun 2001 21:55:28 GMT
1354 times
"Geoffrey Hyde" <> writes:
I have been watching reruns of Pokemon, from the very beginning, and in the
episode where they have the Clefairy and their moonstone, Pikachu's stripes
are shown in sunlight looking at the back of him.

This color has been inked in that episode as bright red.  Not any shade in
between, but as bright red!!  I'm not sure if this has already been posted,
though, as I don't have records of this newsgroup going that far back.  I'd
reply to the original post through the web-form, but it apparently wants me
to set up for news posting first, so this is the next-best thing I can do.

I can say with absolute precision that it comes out red, plain and pure
bright red.  Not any shade in between, unless you're going to render Pikachu
at night, in which case the appropriate half-tone should be used.

It's a pity I don't own any framegrabbing video devices, otherwise I'd hook
it up and grab a freeze-frame from live broadcast or a video recording of

I will say that it's mostly a darker reddish color when in shadowed areas,
but for bright sunlight scenes, it's most definitely red and not a shade of

I believe you're talking about me - when I posted about my Pokemon
Lego sculpture a few months back, there was a thread about this.

I have seen lots of Pokemon - videos, toys, comic books, website,
etc.; and there is a lot of variation in the coloration.  As you say,
sometimes the stripes appear to be red, but more often they appear to
be brown or even black.  I chose to use black because the 3033 tub
doesn't contain brown and I felt that Lego's red color is too bright.
Pikachu's stripes don't appear red very often, and using red would
distract too much from the red cheeks.

The most common color seems to be brown.  For example, browse around
the Pokemon website ( and all the Pikachu
pictures use brown for the stripes.  If I ever get enough brown
bricks, I may re-do it using brown.  But I don't think I'll ever use
red for that.

In the meantime, you can see pictures of my Pokemon sculpture (Pikachu
and Bulbasaur are finished, and Squirtle is about halfway done) on my
Lego website:

I wasn't sure whether to set this to the .general newsgroup or elsewhere on
lugnet, if responding please point the FUT to an appropriate group or leave
it here.

The original thread was on, and I'm setting FUT there.


William R Ward  
                    (formerly known as
                   Life is too important to take seriously.

Message is in Reply To:
  Pokemon LEGO Sculpture - designer please read!
I have been watching reruns of Pokemon, from the very beginning, and in the episode where they have the Clefairy and their moonstone, Pikachu's stripes are shown in sunlight looking at the back of him. This color has been inked in that episode as (...) (24 years ago, 3-Jun-01, to lugnet.general)

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