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 General / 29009
29008  |  29010
Fri, 23 Mar 2001 23:28:19 GMT
449 times
Yes!  I second this!
I'd like to see a subgroup at design.bricks, to talk about
the shapes of bricks and how they can be improved. (could
be considered .CAD but have you LOOKED in there lately? :).

Also, design.sets so the colors and assortments of parts in
sets could be talked about with emphasis on art and style.

Around the end of elementary school, kids start paying attention
to the colors of a set and the architecture involved.  A new
group would foster this sort of dialog.

Lugnet member #9.

In lugnet.general, Paul Hartzog writes:
hey out there,

I am officially recommending in this post
that todd create

for in depth artistic and stylistic
design threads, urls, etc

(could be considered .build but
have you LOOKED in there lately?...)

all who agree plz reply
so todd knows we want

thx much

Message is in Reply To:
hey out there, I am officially recommending in this post that todd create for in depth artistic and stylistic design threads, urls, etc (could be considered .build but have you LOOKED in there lately?...) all who agree plz reply so (...) (24 years ago, 23-Mar-01, to lugnet.general)

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