In lugnet.build, Mario Ferrari writes:
> > I am interested in trying to build mechanisms found in read life things like
> > cars and was thinking about power steering servos when I started playing
> > about with pneumatics. Perhaps this is a bit hard for Lego:-)
> Hi Al,
> what you ask is not possible because the Lego pneumatic system is,
> precisely, *pneumatic*. In real life cylinders that are designed for
> position control are hydraulic and not pneumatic ones. This difference is
> very important because you can compress a gas but cannot compress a liquid.
> A pneumatic system has a very high degree of elasticity, and in practical
> terms this means that position is a function of both the applied pressure
> AND the encountered resistance.
Ok. So you can't do it with pneumatics.
Looking around for alternative ways of making a power steering mechanism, I
found this link http://www.umbra.demon.co.uk/power_steering.html which gives
an RCX based motor driven mechanism that might be of interest to others.
Al Telanco
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