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 General / 27084
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Re: Member Status
Sat, 27 Jan 2001 00:30:57 GMT
525 times
In lugnet.general, Allan Weston writes:
I was wondering if anyone else has experienced problems with attaining a
membership. I have payed the fee through the paypal thing. My credit card
has been charged yet the people administering the LUGNET accounts have not
sent me my login info. I've sent emails to and a
couple of others but they seem to be ignoring me. What do I have to do?

I've gotten my password, but my membership package has never arrived - and I
became a member on 21 Aug 2000 (#446)

Just hold on for you password in my opinion.


Message is in Reply To:
  Member Status
I was wondering if anyone else has experienced problems with attaining a membership. I have payed the fee through the paypal thing. My credit card has been charged yet the people administering the LUGNET accounts have not sent me my login info. I've (...) (24 years ago, 25-Jan-01, to lugnet.general)

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