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 General / 26730
  Re: Does anybody know of a small set with 5-long straight liftarms?
(...) I dont know, I have 4 of the red ones (2 from the speed slammers set and probobly 2 from the lava roborider) I have 4 dk grey and 2 brown (probobly from my destroyer droid or roboriders) and only 1 in black, dont know where thats from... (24 years ago, 20-Jan-00, to lugnet.general)
  Anybody know a small set with 6x1 red tiles? (was Re:...small set with 5-long straight liftarms?)
(...) Well, I picked up the Lava Roborider (those things are just as crappy as Throwbots (which at least come with ball/socket joints); I'm never buying one again) and it came with 2 black rounded 5 long beams instead of red. I tried them in my (...) (24 years ago, 25-Jan-01, to lugnet.general)

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