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Re: Microsoft and LEGO Company Announce a Shared Doom
Sun, 14 Jan 2001 20:08:47 GMT
1098 times
In lugnet.general, Alex Farlie writes:

But From my reaserch one of thier software arms was Europress Intreactive..
(that before it got absorbed into 'American-Megacorp Toy Holdings Inc'. used
to write brillant software like Klick n Play and earlier on stuff for the
BBC Micro . Thats not low quality..

I didn't say anything about quality. "Used to" goes for a lot of companies
that are now part of Hasbro or Mattel. The bottom line is that both of them
nearly choked to death on buying (overpaying) and mis-managing software

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Microsoft and LEGO Company Announce a Shared Doom
(...) 5 Words ... Star Wars, Disney, Harry potter? (...) But From my reaserch one of thier software arms was Europress Intreactive.. (that before it got absorbed into 'American-Megacorp Toy Holdings Inc'. used to write brillant software like Klick n (...) (24 years ago, 14-Jan-01, to lugnet.general)

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