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Re: Lego spotted in Big Momma's House
Mon, 11 Dec 2000 20:13:19 GMT
1554 times
In lugnet.general, Chris Maddison writes:
I just watched Martin Lawrence in "Big Momma's House"...funny movie. :-)
Anyways, during the course of the movie, a young boy (named Trent) has some
lego in a big trunk.  I spotted a lot of basic bricks, a castle knight, a
basic bucket, and a large UFO set...not sure which one.

What other movies have y'all seen where Lego makes a cameo? :-)

Look out for LEGO in the films:
Time Bandits
Honey I shrunk the kids

But there's none in Toy Story I could spot.

Regards, Phil in Yorkshire.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Lego spotted in Big Momma's House
(...) There is in Toy Story II. At one point they're going over a plan of some kind, and there's a model of the building in LEGO. Or is that in the first one? Ack. It's in one of them, anyway. eric (24 years ago, 11-Dec-00, to lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Lego spotted in Big Momma's House
I just watched Martin Lawrence in "Big Momma's House"...funny movie. :-) Anyways, during the course of the movie, a young boy (named Trent) has some lego in a big trunk. I spotted a lot of basic bricks, a castle knight, a basic bucket, and a large (...) (24 years ago, 9-Dec-00, to lugnet.general) ! 

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