Re: An Interesting Read.
Tue, 5 Dec 2000 16:53:47 GMT
1122 times
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Kevin Maynes wrote:
> Don't know whether this has been posted already or not. A brief search here and
> there turned up nothing, so for now I'll assume not. A direct link to the
> article, in the December issue of Animation World Magazine:
> Happy reading!
> KMaynes
Hmm... I hadn't really gotten into the RIS system yet, but after reading
his article I began thinking about it more seriously. I've got the two
droid kits, from the Star Wars line, and I've been eyeing the various
Mind Storms sets at Best Buy, just haven't taken the plunge yet. Maybe I
will now...
Message is in Reply To:
 | | An Interesting Read.
| Don't know whether this has been posted already or not. A brief search here and there turned up nothing, so for now I'll assume not. A direct link to the article, in the December issue of Animation World Magazine: (URL) reading! KMaynes (24 years ago, 2-Dec-00, to lugnet.general)
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