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Re: What an ambulance!
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general, lugnet.faq
Sat, 14 Oct 2000 14:01:06 GMT
92 times
In, James Trobaugh writes:
Here's a similar example of blatant copying by a company in china that I
found. Every piece is a copy of a LEGO piece, they even copied the
instructions and the box. The only thing is that they don't fit each other
very well.

TLC should make more hospitals like that though.

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: What an ambulance!
(...) Yeah. I tell ya what, if those hairpieces fit a Lego minifig, I would buy that set. That has the awesome old-style hairpiece that was in old Town and Castle sets. -dead (24 years ago, 14-Oct-00, to, lugnet.general, lugnet.faq)
  Re: What an ambulance!
(...) It's been years since TLC has made a hospital. Wonder if we could expect one next year?... (24 years ago, 14-Oct-00, to, lugnet.general, lugnet.faq)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: What an ambulance!
Here's a similar example of blatant copying by a company in china that I found. Every piece is a copy of a LEGO piece, they even copied the instructions and the box. The only thing is that they don't fit each other very well. (URL) J. Trobaugh North (...) (24 years ago, 14-Oct-00, to, lugnet.general, lugnet.faq)

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