Fusion Newsletter
Issue 5 Vol. 1
This is an email containing the recent updates that appeared
on LEGO Fusion. ..:: http://fusion.refraxion.com ::..
+ My Collection:
Again it is updated. http://fusion.refraxion.com/Other/my_collection.html
+ Wanted List:
Wanted list was finally updated. http://fusion.refraxion.com/Other/want_list.html
+ New Affiliate:
Mark's LEGO Creations [ http://www.nwlink.com/~sandlin/lego/ ]
+ Link of the Month:
Pallas Spaceworks [ http://www.karimnassar.com/kn/pallas/ ]
If you believe that you received this email by an accident or another reason
send an email to fusion@refraxion.com with the subject line reading
Unsubscribe and the message body containing your email address.
Best regards,