Bram Lambrecht wrote:
> In lugnet.build, Shiri Dori writes:
> > In lugnet.announce, Craig Hamilton writes:
> > > it's not just about custom mini-figs anymore...
> > > http://community-1.webtv.net/craigo-lego/craigolegoindex
> >
> > That's Awesome!
> I'll agree to that! Great use of parts!
> --Bram
Yes. These amazing models got me thinking of the dinosaurs at the Mall
of America. Much much much bigger (some are over 8 feet tall at least)
but ultimately... LESS impressive. Why?
Because they're so big all the builder had to do was get the contours
right using basic bricks. Big deal. Not really hard to do if you think
about it.
Craigo has shown that he has mastered the medium. His models use parts
in very very innovative ways. Dinosaurs are not my cup of tea per se but
I was just dumbfounded by these, especially the steg, with no less than
5 articulation points in the tail!!! wow.
Larry Pieniazek - larryp@novera.com - http://my.voyager.net/lar
http://www.mercator.com. Mercator, the e-business transformation company
fund Lugnet(tm): http://www.ebates.com/ ref: lar, 1/2 $$ to lugnet.
Note: this is a family forum!
Message has 2 Replies:  | | Re: dino-craigo-lego
| Er, in rereading this I think it's not quite the right tone. (...) If one were to read into the above that I felt Eric Harshbarger's creations were less than stunning, or easy enough that anyone could have done them, then I fear I am right about the (...) (25 years ago, 7-Feb-00, to lugnet.build, lugnet.adventurers, lugnet.general)
|  | | Re: dino-craigo-lego
| (...) I'll second that! Way to go, Craig!!! (...) I like 'em all, but my favorite is the dino2.jpg image -- I wouldn't mess with that monster! :) Dinosaurs aren't (normally) my cup of tea either, but lately I've been tinkering with Duplosaurs so (...) (25 years ago, 7-Feb-00, to lugnet.build, lugnet.adventurers, lugnet.general)
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