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Re: Port Block sees in the new nineteenth century
lugnet.pirates, lugnet.general
Sun, 2 Jan 2000 04:50:25 GMT
90 times (Frank Filz) wrote in <>:

This begs the question: Is anyone planning any LEGO celebrations of the
new year/millenium (yea, I know, the new millenium doesn't actually
start for another year)?

Sorta.  My wife and I are working on slowly working on rebuilding the
sets from a large collection I picked up on Ebay a few months ago.  We
break out the bins on some evenings after our son has gone to sleep.
(Early last week I finished 6987, the Blacktron I base, woohoo!)

So, after getting back from an actual New Years parties a little after
his bedtime, she and I sat downstairs, watched the celebrations on TV,
sipped hot chocolate, kept an eye on the computers and the internet
in general, and built old Lego sets as the year rolled over.  What a
great way to start the first year of the 2000s.

We had actually thought about throwing a new years day lego buildfest
(gotta do something with all of those boxes I got), but many of our
Lego friends are in other parts of the country for the weekend, so
we've postponed that until, I dunno, maybe the next big snowstorm.


Remy Evard,  Argonne National Laboratory   - Sorry, no Lego pages up yet
Supercomputing and systems administration by day, AFOL by late night

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Port Block sees in the new nineteenth century
(...) This begs the question: Is anyone planning any LEGO celebrations of the new year/millenium (yea, I know, the new millenium doesn't actually start for another year)? (25 years ago, 31-Dec-99, to lugnet.pirates, lugnet.general)

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