In lugnet.general, Larry Pieniazek writes:
> I just wanna know...
> is it official, are we calling any fig in a parka a Kenny?
> Or only dead ones??
> --
> Larry Pieniazek larryp@novera.com http://my.voyager.net/lar
Sounds like a PERFECT use for those extra Timmy heads...
"Oh my God, they killed Timmy!" "YEA!!!"
(kill the '.nospam' to reply, no parka is necessary)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Arctic Bonus Set 6569
| I just wanna know... (...) is it official, are we calling any fig in a parka a Kenny? (1) Works for me.(2) 1 - Or only dead ones?? 2 - Sorry to non USians that don't get the joke. (25 years ago, 22-Dec-99, to lugnet.general, lugnet.town)
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