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 General / 11366
    Brasso? —Richard Schuit
   To Richard Marchetti Does Brasso really help to clean the Lego pieces? I know I've got some reeeaallyy old technic stuff thats gone a funny off colour, particularly the yellow and white pieces......or am I just being naive by asking? (25 years ago, 7-Dec-99, to lugnet.general)
        Re: Brasso? —Richard Marchetti
   (...) I use a 1/8 part bleach to 7/8 parts water to soak lighter colored parts for a REALLY long time -- like a week or two. White and grey elements lose stains and yellowing and come out pretty nice. Experiment with other colors at your own risk (...) (25 years ago, 7-Dec-99, to lugnet.general)
        Re: Brasso? —Frank Filz
   (...) I've got some blue parts which are noticeably discolored, though you do have to look close. (...) Hmm, I've never had a problem with washing the chromed parts, the only thing I've ever had a problem with is the thin plastic sails and flags (...) (25 years ago, 7-Dec-99, to lugnet.general)

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