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 General / *54516 (-5)
  Re: 4455 {Hotdog girl}
(...) Or Lorena Bobbit, after receiving an advance on her book deal... Dave! (17 years ago, 10-Feb-08, to lugnet.general)
  Re: 4455 {Hotdog girl}
(...) Prostitute. Russell (17 years ago, 9-Feb-08, to lugnet.general)
  Re: 4455 {Hotdog girl}
(...) still don't get it tim (17 years ago, 9-Feb-08, to lugnet.general)  
  Re: Help identifying a set
(...) Thanks Jordan and Erik! The side of this box says "Recommended for children from 3 years and up" to add to the variants ; ) But it is a canadian version, and that often accounts for changes in printing even on newer sets... Thanks again and (...) (17 years ago, 7-Feb-08, to lugnet.general, FTX)
  Re: Interesting find at Target website
$79.99 for 17 minutes ... are they insane?! (17 years ago, 7-Feb-08, to lugnet.general, lugnet.mediawatch, FTX)

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