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 General / *2175 (-5)
  Re: TLG press release - not a crisis?
(...) ...OK then, so if it's not a crisis then maybe could we call it a "Crisis Jr."? :> Scott (26 years ago, 23-Jan-99, to lugnet.general)
  Re: Lego Has updated its online Catalog!!
(...) Thanks :-) (26 years ago, 23-Jan-99, to lugnet.general)
  Re: Lego Has updated its online Catalog!!
(...) Adult fan 'o Lego. (26 years ago, 23-Jan-99, to lugnet.general)
  Re: Lego Has updated its online Catalog!!
(...) Not completely their fault -- the page uses Shockwave Flash, so complain to Macromedia. (They created a Navigator for Linux plug-in.... enough pressure and they'll create a Mac one.) Check out (URL) for high-res versions of all the images (...) (26 years ago, 23-Jan-99, to lugnet.general, lugnet.starwars)
  Re: Lego Has updated its online Catalog!!
(...) Could anyone lit my light on what AFOL means (26 years ago, 23-Jan-99, to lugnet.general)

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