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lugnet.general– General community discussion of LEGO® sets, themes, promotions, characters, business units, parks, histories, future plans, catalogs, item pricing and availability, etc.; also, community-wide discussion of experiences and ideas (set collection, educational usage, observations, original stories, games, holiday fun, rumors, musings, weird dreams, etc.) NOTE: 1. Please direct U.S.-only discussions to; 2. LEGO color issues are off-topic for lugnet.general; use lugnet.color instead.

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  Re: LEGO museum in Ohio?
(...) I stumbled upon this very cool museum a few weeks ago, while traveling for work. They hadn't yet opened for the season, but luckily my job brought me back to the area a week later, and I was able to take a sprinting tour on my lunch break. (...) (2 years ago, 30-May-23, to, lugnet.general, FTX)
  Re: Real deal Social media for Lego Poland
(...) FB: https://www.facebook...EGOPolska/ Instagram and Twitter don't use regional accounts. (5 years ago, 22-Oct-19, to lugnet.general)
  Real deal Social media for Lego Poland
Hello I am Polish, living in the UK, and my kids and me want to follow Lego Poland on social media. However, There seems to be plenty of unofficial accounts especially on Facebook and Instagram. Can you please let me know the official handles, links (...) (6 years ago, 5-Oct-18, to lugnet.general)
  Lego Ideas "Moments In Space" Contest Entry - Cosmic Sentinel
Voting has stated today in the Lego Ideas "Moments in Space" contest. The winner may have their design turned into a promotional give-away set. My entry is the Cosmic Sentinel - a small neo-classic space scouting/fighter ship (...) (7 years ago, 9-Feb-18, to, lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.general, FTX)

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