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 Gaming / BrikWars / 331
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Re: Pirate Wars??
lugnet.gaming.brikwars, lugnet.pirates
Tue, 23 Jun 2009 21:46:28 GMT
20330 times
In lugnet.gaming.brikwars, Paul Sinasohn wrote:
   Can someone point me to a resource on Lego Pirate wargames? I vaguely remember that sort of thing happening at one convention or another...

Hi Paul,

The group you want is lugnet.pirates.

The root of all Pirate games is Evil Stevie’s Pirate Game. Find it at

I’ve run a couple rounds of Evil Stevie’s. It’s a lot of fun, here’s a write-up of one session:

There are (at least) a couple other games around. “Wooden Ships and Plastic Men” is one of them. I looked at it, but didn’t try it.


Message is in Reply To:
  Pirate Wars??
Can someone point me to a resource on Lego Pirate wargames? I vaguely remember that sort of thing happening at one convention or another... Thanks, Paul Sinasohn BAYLUG LUGNET #115 (15 years ago, 23-Jun-09, to lugnet.gaming.brikwars)

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