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Brikwars at Brickfest
Sun, 8 Apr 2001 00:13:55 GMT
1707 times
     Heylo all! Im sure none of you know who I am since I havent posted on
the forums in about 5 months, but hey- that's ok! Well, I'm going to try and
get to brickfest this year (It's looking good so far, the 'rents have to
break sometime! Who could resist seeing all the glourious sites of our
nations capital? Riiight...) and I'd like to know if anyone has started
preparing the Brikwars Scenario that's going to be used? Ive begun my army,
and I like to know the game's point cap so I dont go too overboard.

     Ive got some Intresting models, one inspired (but not resembling) the
Warhammer40k space marines transport (the name slips my mind... rhino,
maybe?) And a nice-sized orca-like transport (From those good old bumblers
at westwood studios command and conquer: tiberian sun... $50 for a pretty
holographic box and a game that rivals even the greatest built in windows
card programs). I have a nice commando sqaud also, so I'd love to see a
point value! Thanks for your input and sorry for my ignorance!

Pearson Castner
AOL: Mazled
Feel free to contact me on either!

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Brikwars at Brickfest
(...) Yep rhino it is, if you're thinking of something along the blue model lower-mid picture here (URL) blue and white flying things behind are also W40K inspired, landspeeders. Anyway the APC in the pictures has 4 opening hatches, top mounted gun (...) (24 years ago, 8-Apr-01, to lugnet.gaming)
  Re: Brikwars at Brickfest
Hey Pearson!! Wow, it sure has been a while! And hey, of *course* we know who you are, silly. ;-) (...) Awesome! I'm planning on being there myself, I had tons of fun last year, and am expecting to have even more this year. ;-) (...) Huh. Well, I (...) (24 years ago, 8-Apr-01, to lugnet.gaming,

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