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Embellishing Details...
lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.gaming, lugnet.castle
Tue, 10 Feb 2004 21:42:43 GMT
2197 times
And I quote: “How much detail you want to put in is totally up to you, the Player. However, the fun of an RPG is in the telling of the story; the more detail a Player puts in, the more fun he will get out.”

Copied from the Classic Castle Adventure Rules page. And, thanks to our wonderful Game Mediator Andrew, we have been doing just that!

Myself and a friend, Josh G., have been busily writing for the last seven weeks that the game has been going. So far I have written 30-odd printed pages and Josh 24. Together we have had loads of fun and it’s been a great excuse to get together to do some bricking.

Some of you may have been following the CCA stuff. For the rest of you, I would present the first seven chapters each of The Adventures of the Telrúnya Brothers and The Tales of Sir Anthony. Maidens in distress, spooky crypts, slightly unsavory characters (both in looks and smell)...we’ve got it all here.

More is forthcoming each week. I plan on writing the next chapter tonight, and then I have a cool raytraced diorama of this week’s chapter to work on. Josh tells me he’s written one sentence so far - we’re hoping for some major inspiration very soon. :) We’re both very interested to hear what you all think. Neither of us have ever written something quite this lengthy before.

And, of course, you are heartily encouraged to take up the pen and join us. It’s more fun than I ever imagined it would be - no small thanks to Andrew!


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Embellishing Details...
Oops, looks like the post I didn't think went through, actually went through. Please direct any replies to the (URL) 19222> thread, please! -Mike (21 years ago, 11-Feb-04, to lugnet.castle, FTX)

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