| | Re: The steampunk skiff 'Egregious'
(...) I agree. It became apparent very early on that I would send myself to the madhouse if I insisted on using a single color only - and that assumes that I even had the pieces I needed in the right color. When building the deck and hull I instead (...) (18 years ago, 25-Jun-07, to lugnet.gaming.brikwars, FTX)
| | Re: The steampunk skiff 'Egregious'
Thanks for the comments and feedback Ted. (...) I think that's a fair criticism. If I lived in a steampunk economy I'd definitely invest in dials, gauges and levers. Unfortunately I had a tough time figuring out how to cram in more controls (...) (18 years ago, 25-Jun-07, to lugnet.gaming.brikwars, FTX)
| | Re: The steampunk skiff 'Egregious'
That is great. As soon as I saw the pic I thought the bow looked familiar. You have really captured the PT boat look with that bow construction. Some cool details as well such as the Little Armoury (I think) halberds as boarding pikes. I also liked (...) (18 years ago, 25-Jun-07, to lugnet.gaming.brikwars, FTX)
| | Re: The steampunk skiff 'Egregious'
(...) Thanks! That was one of the aspects that I enjoyed the most - trying to rationalize "how it worked" as it was being built. (...) The trick is not to crew your Dragonfly-class Torpedo Gunboats with women wearing Victorian hoop skirts. (...) (...) (18 years ago, 25-Jun-07, to lugnet.gaming.brikwars, FTX)
| | Re: The steampunk skiff 'Egregious'
(...) Wow! Very inpressive. Excellent details, weaponry and such. This is also a great example in my book of how to use the two different browns together. The two different tones add so much to this. Simply fabulous. Best, Jonathan (18 years ago, 25-Jun-07, to lugnet.gaming.brikwars, FTX)