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  New Theme? (was Re: Sweetening LEGO Creator)
(...) The new Euro/Australian catalogue features LEGO Stunt Rally next to the new "Race" subtheme. I suppose the game features the four new characters. See: (URL) Ben!) LEGO Action Team is a new game for PC and Gameboy. In it you "command your own (...) (24 years ago, 21-Aug-00, to lugnet.general,,,
  Re: Sweetening LEGO Creator
(...) [...] I just tried it in my Mac (using Virtual PC). I can confirm that the software is awful. It's too bad.. looks like a lot of work went into it and it could have been fantastic. ..kind of a tease of what could have been. I think it's worth (...) (24 years ago, 20-Aug-00, to,
  Getting Worse?
I've been playing only Barron and Jhonnys LegoRacer tracks for a very long time, always getting 1st or 2nd. Now Jhonny is getting stuff like 4th & 6'th place sometimes. Likewise with Barron. Has anyone else expirienced this? (24 years ago, 26-Jul-00, to
  Info on new games!!
Check it out! Review of LEGO Stunt Rally:(URL) of LEGO Action Team:(URL) (24 years ago, 21-Jul-00, to
For the people who want to go under the Desert Adventure Dragway oblisk before it falls: use a green powerup & 1 white to get under it, and it will fall on you. There's no CRACK, CRUNCH or SPLAT because the LEGO company probably didn't think it was (...) (24 years ago, 10-Jul-00, to
  Ice planet shields?
Mainly, I thought Ice Planet Pathways' shortcuts were the turn-off after the first cave & going over the divider that makes the sharp turn, BUT why does the time race have shields? Mabey there's a forcefield like on Magma Moon Marathon? (...) (24 years ago, 10-Jul-00, to
  Re: LEGO RACERS Easter Eggs...
I printed the following from a web-site a while ago. I've tried them all and they work: Rocket Car FLYSKYHGH Reversed Rocket Racer Run track LNFRRRM Turbo mode FSTFRWRD Maintain speed off track NSLWJ All power-ups are always max MXPMX All power-ups (...) (24 years ago, 8-Jul-00, to,
  Re: New Lego Computer Programs?
(...) Yes, look at (URL) for Stunt Rally, (URL) for Alpha Team, and (URL) for Creator Knights Kingdom. Alan (24 years ago, 4-Jul-00, to
  New Lego Computer Programs?
In the Summer 2000 S@H catalog I noticed 3 new games-Creator Knights' Kingdom, Action Team, and Stunt Rally. Does anyone have any info on these? Thanks. Tim (24 years ago, 4-Jul-00, to
To find shortcuts in lego racers I often do the track BACKWARDS (sdrawkcab!).Does anyone else do this? (24 years ago, 2-Jul-00, to

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