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 Games / 155 (-5)
  Re: I need bulk mini-figs cheap (btl enterprises)
(...) These were the questions I submitted: I'll post the responses should I be contacted by btl enterprises in the future! If anyone else in the community has purchased from this individual, please lets us know the validity of his claims! ---...--- (...) (24 years ago, 25-Apr-01, to lugnet.general,,
  Re: I need bulk mini-figs cheap
(...) One word: Timmy! Hey, Blacktron 2 only had a big B on their chests. :) Jimmy (24 years ago, 25-Apr-01, to lugnet.general,,
  Re: I need bulk mini-figs cheap
(...) I think they have a little snap thing on the back, which apparently was to connect it to a T-Shirt (many folks have seen the little white thing with a stud on the back of a minifig - recently, I saw a Pirate T-Shirt on eBay which came with (...) (24 years ago, 25-Apr-01, to lugnet.general,,
  Re: I need bulk mini-figs cheap
Any idea why they are all glued together? I was looking at their FAQ, but other than mentioning that they are glued together, it didn't say anything. Bryan Beckwith (24 years ago, 25-Apr-01, to lugnet.general,,
  Re: I need bulk mini-figs cheap
(...) If you're not concerned about the fact that they'd be all glued together, you can give this place a try: (URL) (24 years ago, 25-Apr-01, to lugnet.general,,

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