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  Re: When will Lego Racers be out?
It´s out in Sweden now. --Tobias (...) the (...) that (...) (25 years ago, 7-Dec-99, to
  Lego Monopoly would be SOOOOOOO cool!!
I was at my friendly neighborhood Big Kmart lastnight and saw like 4 different versions of Monopoly. One was Looney Tunes. I thought it would be most worthy for TLG to team up with Parker Bros. and make a you know what! Rob - *while visions of TLG (...) (25 years ago, 25-Nov-99, to
  When will Lego Racers be out?
Hi, Does anyone have any idea when Lego Racers might be available in the UK for the Playstation? I have very high hopes for this, especially building the vehicles, I hope that the design of the car is reflected in handling and performance etc. (...) (25 years ago, 16-Nov-99, to
  New Lego Role-Playing Game
Okay, so it's been floating around the net for several months. But I found this site, so I can freely tell others. It's a Space Based game, though you could play with really any series. Basiclly you construct an army consisting of infantry, (...) (25 years ago, 11-Nov-99, to
  Re: Lego Creator soft ware
Have you heard about ldraw? It´s a program for drawing instructions. I dunno about the train wheels, but they´re probably in there. The url: --Tobias (...) that (...) I (...) train (...) (25 years ago, 31-Oct-99, to

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