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  Re: The BrickLords need you !
(...) It's possible. Maybe in a next version. But I hesitate. When you are lost in a labyrinth, you can't find a map with a "you are here" point. ;-) Denix (21 years ago, 2-Jan-04, to lugnet.castle,,, lugnet.gaming)
  Re: The BrickLords need you !
Would it also be possible to display somewhere on the page out current positions? I'm making out all right with constant reference to the downloaded map but it's kind of slow sometimes to have to keep clicking back to the "lost" page. Or maybe (...) (21 years ago, 2-Jan-04, to lugnet.castle,,, lugnet.gaming)
  Re: The BrickLords need you !
(...) Yes it's possible. Maybe I'll add it in the next version. (...) No, "fixed" monsters (not random) are better. (...) The purpose is not to kill a maximum of monster but to go the end of the level after recovering the Turmhylein' shield. You'll (...) (21 years ago, 2-Jan-04, to lugnet.castle,,, lugnet.gaming)
  Re: The BrickLords need you !
(...) Thanks! Could our toolbar on top display the number of monsters that we've killed? Do all monsters count the same amount? Also, can you tell us how many monsters we need to kill, or is that for us to find out? This is fun :) -- Pawel (21 years ago, 2-Jan-04, to lugnet.castle,,, lugnet.gaming)
  Re: The BrickLords need you !
(...) Thanks Lord. With you in our rank, we will be victorious ! (...) You are the second person to have such error. I don't know why. I try to find it ... Denix (21 years ago, 2-Jan-04, to lugnet.castle,,, lugnet.gaming)

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