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  BrickQuest: The Haunted Keep (Teaser)
I've almost finished the structure of my most recent project, The Haunted Keep. This is a non-modular dungeon and an attempt to do something that has both a nice exterior and an interior useful for BrickQuest gameplay. Whether I've accomplished that (...) (21 years ago, 1-Oct-03, to lugnet.castle,, lugnet.gaming) ! 
  Re: Lego Treasure Hunt
(...) I beat it, many tries, help from dad, it was awsome<(/\_/\)> nik (21 years ago, 1-Sep-03, to lugnet.general,,
  Re: Lego Treasure Hunt
(...) This is really cool! An adventure game made out of actively composited Lego photos! (21 years ago, 1-Sep-03, to lugnet.general,,
  Re: Lego Treasure Hunt
(...) That's such a fun game! Love it. Now I need a sequel.... please!!!! Maybe the guy can find a better camera.;) Thanks for pointing it out. -JHK (21 years ago, 31-Aug-03, to lugnet.general,,
  BrickQuest--Real Site Release
Except for the Modules page which I posted about on Tuesday, what was up on the BrickQuest website was outdated materials for review before playtesting. I have now updated the website and have post-playtesting, post-Gencon rules and monster stats (...) (21 years ago, 1-Aug-03, to lugnet.gaming, lugnet.castle,, ! 

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