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 Games / *399 (-5)
  Re: Lugnet Crosswords - CALL FOR CLUES
(...) Okay, Jeremy, these are good clues, but here's the thing... you have to email them to Paul so we can't see them. I'm guessing he meant to post to say you are madly thinking up clues to email to him... right Paul? Maggie C. (22 years ago, 19-Mar-03, to
  Re: Lugnet Crosswords - CALL FOR CLUES
(...) The "Darth" not yet in Minifig form: 7 letters "Sidious" First "girls" Lego line: 8 letters "Paradisa" The master builder's world : 8 letters "Miniland" Classic: "Space" Community voted the BSB a: 6 letters "Legend" (22 years ago, 19-Mar-03, to
  Re: Lugnet Crosswords - CALL FOR CLUES
AFter Suz told me what program she used, I got my then-employer to buy it for me (I was going to use it at the end of a training class as a quiz but never got to it). I still have the Xwords software - when I get time, I'll install it and put up a (...) (22 years ago, 18-Mar-03, to lugnet.general,
  NBA/Basketball sets - what fun!!
Everyone -- I just got <set:3432> for my birthday, and it's a blast!! I fell in love with these sets when I traded Kevin Clague for <set:3428> at BricksWest, so I had to get the full court. It was a lot of fun to play with a mixed crowd of kids and (...) (22 years ago, 2-Mar-03, to lugnet.year.2003, lugnet.general,
  Re: GW's Tomb Kings
(...) where more people are likely to see these. Frank (22 years ago, 3-Feb-03, to, lugnet.gaming)

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