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  Re: GW's Tomb Kings
(...) where more people are likely to see these. Frank (22 years ago, 3-Feb-03, to, lugnet.gaming)
  GW's Tomb Kings
Games Workshop's Warhammer Tomb Kings as mini-figs. (URL) out onishi shinji 's (URL) for a scorpion that is very nice idea. Best DaveG (22 years ago, 1-Feb-03, to
  Re: 2 player mode
I vaguely think I had that problem myself early on, I just can't be sure of the solution.... Did you try defining the second player's controls *first*? That's an educated guess... Matthias Jetleb (22 years ago, 20-Dec-02, to
  Re: 2 player mode
(...) What's interesting is that the 2 player race option is shaded out on my main menu... I can't access it. Hmmm... (22 years ago, 19-Dec-02, to
  Re: Building instructions
Matthias Jetleb <> schrieb in im Newsbeitrag: (...) well my sisters pc got slower some time ago and we found out that one of my nephews then 3 and a half had installed some of his favorite software (...) (22 years ago, 19-Dec-02, to

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