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  Re: New Interactive Game on LEGO.trains
(...) Hey! I'm a minifig! :) Steve (23 years ago, 10-Jun-02, to, lugnet.trains)
  Re: New Interactive Game on LEGO.trains
John & All, (...) Yes, it is fun. It reminds me of the Choose Your Own Adventure books that I read when I was younger. : ) Scott S. -- (23 years ago, 7-Jun-02, to, lugnet.trains)
  New Interactive Game on LEGO.trains
I just came across a fun new game you might want to check out: (URL) slick, and it even worked using my Mac:-) -John (23 years ago, 7-Jun-02, to, lugnet.trains)
  Re: anybody still playing?
(...) I just bought it. It is fun as a whole. Great graphics especially when played in 1rst person. However I wonder what is the public targeted by the game. The game is surely not for kids because of bad responsivity. Also the game is not for (...) (23 years ago, 6-Jun-02, to
  anybody still playing?
does somebody know of a leveleditor or anything else for the game? (23 years ago, 23-Feb-02, to

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