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 Games / *150 (-5)
Anyone know if all the courses have shortcuts? I found most of them by following Veronica. (24 years ago, 2-Jul-00, to
  Re: Forbes article: Toy Story
(...) Thanks for the link Ka-On Lee! A VERY amusing and informative article to be sure. TLC's aquisition of Zowie may still turn out to be a fiasco, but in fairness there are reasons as to why they may have taken this step (although if you look at (...) (25 years ago, 13-Jun-00, to lugnet.general,
  Forbes article: Toy Story
(URL) about the movie, but about traditional toy makers' mistakes in making interactive toys. A little bit about "Allen unloaded Zowie on the venerable Danish toymaker LEGO" on page 3. (25 years ago, 13-Jun-00, to lugnet.general,  
  Lego minifig model for Quake 2!
Here's something that I found rather amuzing. There is a Lego minifig model available for Quake! You can get the model at: (URL) (25 years ago, 23-May-00, to

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