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  Re: Forbes article: Toy Story
(...) Thanks for the link Ka-On Lee! A VERY amusing and informative article to be sure. TLC's aquisition of Zowie may still turn out to be a fiasco, but in fairness there are reasons as to why they may have taken this step (although if you look at (...) (25 years ago, 13-Jun-00, to lugnet.general,
  Forbes article: Toy Story
(URL) about the movie, but about traditional toy makers' mistakes in making interactive toys. A little bit about "Allen unloaded Zowie on the venerable Danish toymaker LEGO" on page 3. (25 years ago, 13-Jun-00, to lugnet.general,  
  Lego minifig model for Quake 2!
Here's something that I found rather amuzing. There is a Lego minifig model available for Quake! You can get the model at: (URL) (25 years ago, 23-May-00, to
  Re: Got Lego Island for ten bucks
(...) You can find these dogs in Belville sets. The cats appear mostly in Belville sets, but have also been found in Scala, Castle, and Model Team, and one currently appears in set 6326, Town Folks. (25 years ago, 22-May-00, to
  Got Lego Island for ten bucks
I had no intention of ever buying this game but for ten bucks I decided I could give it away and not feel like I wasted much while making some kids day. But it was alot cooler than I thought. (However the customization of vehicles is null) I really (...) (25 years ago, 22-May-00, to
  LEGO software news !!
Hi all, for those of you who love LEGO software products (I know we all love the bricks most of course) , check out: and simply type in "LEGO" in the search field. You will find lots of *very* interesting software news, just a few (...) (25 years ago, 17-May-00, to  
  Re: Is this any good?
(...) SimTheme Park (that's what they call it in the US) is supposed to be pretty good, but not at all realistic. If you want the ultimate theme park game, get Roller Coaster Tycoon. LEGOLand looks very cool, because it combines LEGO and theme (...) (25 years ago, 7-May-00, to
  Is this any good?
It's around in the UK now, 30GBP. How does it compare to, say, Theme Park? (which to be honest I have never played, but hear it quite good) Huw (25 years ago, 7-May-00, to
  Re: Good news for the future!
(...) Like LEGO Creator Knight's Kingdom?( (URL) ) (...) I willing to bet the LEGO game designers can't. Alan (25 years ago, 4-May-00, to

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