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  Re: LEGO Loco Networking?
You can use lego loco in hamachi but need Windows xp it crashes, in Windows 7 & Windows 10. (9 years ago, 15-Aug-15, to
  LEGO® FUSION 2014 product launch
LEGO® FUSION NEW YORK, June 19, 2014 /PRNewswire/ - LEGO Systems, Inc., makers of the world’s leading construction toys, today introduced LEGO® FUSION, a play experience that combines traditional LEGO brick play with familiar app-based game themes. (...) (10 years ago, 19-Jun-14, to lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.general,,, FTX)  
  LEGO® Universe to close in 2012
Press Releases November 4, 2011 LEGO® Universe to close in 2012 Online game will close on January 31, 2012. The LEGO Group’s digital offerings will continue to develop over the coming years. November 4, 2011 – The LEGO Group today announced that it (...) (13 years ago, 4-Nov-11, to lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.general,,, FTX)  
  Gazillion press release clarifies Netdevil layoff rumors
Gazillion press release clarifies Netdevil layoff rumors By Jef Reahard on Feb. 24th 2011 The NetDevil/LEGO Universe brouhaha that unfolded earlier this morning is officially official thanks to a press release just published by Gazillion (...) (14 years ago, 25-Feb-11, to lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.general,, FTX)  

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