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 Fun / Holiday / 140
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Re: IDOL is coming...
Thu, 20 Feb 2003 20:33:06 GMT
4324 times
I'll be away from home and office on the 18th of March, as I'll be spending
the week in Ireland....
After recovering from Paddy's day we'll go to Connemara where I'll hope to
find this tiny shop that still has some old sets on the shelf. A bit like
the shop I found in Germany two years ago (A new Thatcher Perkins for


"Tony Alexander" <> wrote in message
Greetings, Earth-mortals!
     I've been working recently (and hopefully for the long term - I want
this to be THE ONE) at a job with excellent benefits, among those two paid
"floating holidays" where we can choose any day to make our own holiday.
     We've been working on a huge project since I started, and are getting
close to wrapping it up.  This and the fact that there aren't enough
"get-out-of-work" holidays during this time of year lead me to the • following:

     (cue the Lion singing "King of the Forest")

     I hereby declare March 18th, the day after St. Patrick's Day, to be
herefore in this year of 2003 and forevermore the International Day Of • Lego

     ("...with a hhrrrrrmph, and a hhhhhrrrrmmph, and a r-rr-r-royal

     I plan to take this day off (which handily allows for a raucous St.
Paddy's celebration), after distributing smallish Lego sets to my coworker
team.  Please feel free to celebrate in a likewise manner, or to add to • the
solemnity of the occasion in your own way (please share this if you
do...maybe I'll add it to my own celebration).

     May your MOC's be SNOT-ty.

Peace and Long Life,
Tony Alexander

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: IDOL is coming...
(...) Duq, This sounds like an appropriate celebration of such an important holiday... I'll have to do a little of the same, though I'm afraid it won't be anywhere nifty like Ireland. Hope you have a good trip, and find some treasure! May your MOCs (...) (22 years ago, 22-Feb-03, to

Message is in Reply To:
  IDOL is coming...
Greetings, Earth-mortals! I've been working recently (and hopefully for the long term - I want this to be THE ONE) at a job with excellent benefits, among those two paid "floating holidays" where we can choose any day to make our own holiday. We've (...) (22 years ago, 20-Feb-03, to, lugnet.general,

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