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Re: Pics from WAMALUG BrikWars game on December 30
Fri, 4 Jan 2002 19:01:51 GMT
99 times
In, Jeff Stembel writes:
Hey all, just wanted to let you know I uploaded pics from the BrikWars
session we played over the weekend.  Here they are:

**Now for some picture descritpions!**

Those are great pics!  And the descriptions are nice, too.  I love seeing
write-ups about Brikwars sessions.  Are there any plans to do a fuller
write-up, with back story, details about CP allocation and gameplay, other
hilarious moments and commentary, and the like?  You know, like Mike R. does
sometimes.  That would be cool.

It caused a stirring in my heart to see all those brave knights fighting
their little hearts out against that isle full of beastly, cowardly and
cruel monsters.


Message is in Reply To:
  Pics from WAMALUG BrikWars game on December 30
Hey all, just wanted to let you know I uploaded pics from the BrikWars session we played over the weekend. Here they are: (URL) for some picture descritpions!** Overview of The Ruins, defended by Aaron's monstrous forces: (URL) Army: (URL) Army: (...) (23 years ago, 3-Jan-02, to lugnet.gaming,

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