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Aargh! A ghost!
Thu, 27 Jul 2000 06:51:38 GMT
105 times
Here's my stab a rules for the ghost in brikwars.

Move:  3x1d6 studs (1d6" for imperialists)
Armour: 1d6
Skill: 1d6
Special: Ghostly touch Range 1d6   Damage 1d6 poison points
         Ethereal any dice roll that come up 1, the ghost disappears.
Cost: 15CP
May be summoned by Nekromancers using 15SP

Thoughts, comments brick donations all gladly accepted
James (who should be doing university homework....)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Aargh! A ghost!
(...) No wonder they're such vengeful spirits! All this stabbing... (...) This begs the question: Why would the ghost of an imperialist be slower? All the plundered riches of benighted peoples dragging him down? Hm, now that I look at it again, do (...) (24 years ago, 27-Jul-00, to lugnet.gaming)

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