Re: Calling all pirates - I need to identify whose ships these are!
Thu, 27 Jul 2000 01:26:56 GMT
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In lugnet.announce, Frank Filz writes:
> I'm starting to collect all the postmortem and all from the Pirate Game at
> Brickfest 2000, and I'd like to get as many peoples ship names as possible. I
> have the following ships names (with player name if known):
> Captain Bad Jim the Funny Hat of the Plasticity (Tim Courtney)
> Captain Ivar Forkbeard of the Splitter
> Captain Blue Beard the Weird Dude of U-S71
> Captain Mini Figure of the Anchored Barrel
> Captain Burgundy Beard of The Jolly Dingo
This one ^ was mine before I had to abandon him and his crew to take over The
Rusty Bucket. =)
~Nathan McD.
> Captain Hoppin John of the Gungan Kludge (Chris Weeks)
> Captain Moonshadow of The Moon's Shadow
> Captain Quigon L'Effete of the Mighty Bumblebee (Lindsay Braun)
> Captain Scar of the Helfarr (Shiri Dori)
> Captain Wanda of The Rusty Bucket (Jacky Lynch, Andy Lynch, and Nathan
> McDowell)
> Captain Slut of The Sea Wench (Stephen Campbell)
> I don't have ship or captain's names for the following players (who obviously
> belong to the above ships):
> Stephen Roberts
> Abe Friedman
> Jameson
> Mike Shamus
> Jeff Stembel
> Inbal Dori (I think she took over Abe's ship)
> I don't think I'm missing any players or ships.
> Frank
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