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Re: Calling all pirates - I need to identify whose ships these are!
Thu, 27 Jul 2000 01:26:56 GMT
122 times
In lugnet.announce, Frank Filz writes:
I'm starting to collect all the postmortem and all from the Pirate Game at
Brickfest 2000, and I'd like to get as many peoples ship names as possible. I
have the following ships names (with player name if known):

Captain Bad Jim the Funny Hat of the Plasticity (Tim Courtney)
Captain Ivar Forkbeard of the Splitter
Captain Blue Beard the Weird Dude of U-S71
Captain Mini Figure of the Anchored Barrel

Captain Burgundy Beard of The Jolly Dingo

This one ^ was mine before I had to abandon him and his crew to take over The
Rusty Bucket. =)

~Nathan McD.

Captain Hoppin John of the Gungan Kludge (Chris Weeks)
Captain Moonshadow of The Moon's Shadow
Captain Quigon L'Effete of the Mighty Bumblebee (Lindsay Braun)
Captain Scar of the Helfarr (Shiri Dori)
Captain Wanda of The Rusty Bucket (Jacky Lynch, Andy Lynch, and Nathan
Captain Slut of The Sea Wench (Stephen Campbell)

I don't have ship or captain's names for the following players (who obviously
belong to the above ships):

Stephen Roberts
Abe Friedman
Mike Shamus
Jeff Stembel
Inbal Dori (I think she took over Abe's ship)

I don't think I'm missing any players or ships.


Message is in Reply To:
  Calling all pirates - I need to identify whose ships these are!
I'm starting to collect all the postmortem and all from the Pirate Game at Brickfest 2000, and I'd like to get as many peoples ship names as possible. I have the following ships names (with player name if known): Captain Bad Jim the Funny Hat of the (...) (24 years ago, 27-Jul-00, to lugnet.announce, lugnet.gaming, lugnet.pirates,

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