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Re: My Brickfest Pirate Game Pictures
Mon, 3 Jul 2000 15:18:31 GMT
117 times
"Frank Filz" <> wrote:

Ok, I've uploaded my Pirate Game pictures to here:

A brief description of each picture:

...Woohoo! Great pics and walk thru! It was almost as if I was there... oh wait, I was
there (at least mostly :-)

...Thanks for the write up, and thanks again for running it (cant wait till next year!)


Chris's, Stephen Roberts's, and Abe's ships close in on Dino Island. Note the emergency cutters made from two Belville rowboats back
to back with a mast, cannon, and a few bricks and plates.

...Those emergency cutters were great! Steve should mention them in the 'official rules'
for emergency use :-) can go back to ignoring me now...

stephen f roberts
wamalug guy  (
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lugnet #160

Message is in Reply To:
  My Brickfest Pirate Game Pictures
Ok, I've uploaded my Pirate Game pictures to here: (URL) brief description of each picture: pgame-01: Here we are on turn 2 I think. Around the room clockwise starting in the upper left are Stephen Roberts, Abe Friedman, Jameson, Lindsay Braun, Tim (...) (24 years ago, 23-Jun-00, to lugnet.gaming)

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