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Abe Friedman's Brickfest Pirate Game Pictures
Fri, 23 Jun 2000 16:47:45 GMT
164 times
Ok, I'm going to follow up with comments on other folks pictures, so
we'll start with Abe Friedman's pictures:


Dino Island is visited by three ships. That's Chris Weeks's ship in the
upper left (and I think those are Chris's legs), Stephen Roberts's ship
is in the upper right, and Abe's ship is lower center. I think this shot
is from before the T-Rex was killed.


Looking over towards the Southern part of the ocean. Lindsay's ship is
in the foreground center. Jameson's is behind and to the left. Dino
Island is at the lower right corner. Starting from the left, going
clockwise, we have Tim Courtney showing off the great Brickfest 2000
T-Shirt. I'm helping Tim and Mike Shamus deal with a treasure island and
some natives. You can see the merchant that Shiri was chasing just
peeking above Tim, with the Helfarrr sailing out from behind Mike. I'm
not sure who the spectator sitting in the chair is. Stephen Campbell is
just starting to sail into the game. That's his fort that suffered from
Hurricane Shiri in front of him. Jeff Stembell and Jackie Lynch are
attacking Skeleton Island. Beside Jackie is Weather Island. Mike Shamus
is coming to Tim's aid in dealing with the natives. That's another
treasure island off Mike's knee.

Frank Filz

Work: (business only please)

Message has 2 Replies:
  Abe Friedman's Friday Brickfest Pirate Pictures
The following pictures aren't of the game, but show some of the pirate stuff present: image22 and image23: Lindsay Braun's Gloire. We didn't use this in the game (though I might have brought it out if the pirates needed a severe spanking... image24: (...) (24 years ago, 23-Jun-00, to lugnet.gaming)
  Jason Rowoldt's Pictures
Here's Jason's pictures: (URL) looks like turn 1. People clockwise from the left are Jackie Lynch, Chris Weeks, Stephen Roberts, Abe Friedman, Jameson, someone's legs, the back of Shiri's head, Andy Lynch's legs. This is a nice picture of the (...) (24 years ago, 23-Jun-00, to lugnet.gaming)

Message is in Reply To:
  My Brickfest Pirate Game Pictures
Ok, I've uploaded my Pirate Game pictures to here: (URL) brief description of each picture: pgame-01: Here we are on turn 2 I think. Around the room clockwise starting in the upper left are Stephen Roberts, Abe Friedman, Jameson, Lindsay Braun, Tim (...) (24 years ago, 23-Jun-00, to lugnet.gaming)

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