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Re: Soccer at the bar
Newsgroups:, lugnet.gaming
Sat, 17 Jun 2000 21:43:06 GMT
149 times
In, Kevin Loch writes:
Not only
did the bartender like it,

In, Stephen F. Roberts writes:
1 drink when you lose control of the ball ('failed pass' rule)
1 drink when you make a crazy pass that goes all over before you end up still
in control ('wild pass' rule)
1 drink for every failed shot on goal you make ('shot on goal' rule)
BIG drink when someone scores on you ('GOOOOOOAAAAAALLLLLL' rule)

Heh, no wonder the bartender loved it, you guys probably bought a lot more
drinks like that. <grin>


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Soccer at the bar
(...) soccer/football we were using when the above mentioned pics were taken (and we dont encourage playing this at home, you really need to be in a public place where you can make a big scene (the bar guy loved the game and watched it whenever he (...) (24 years ago, 11-Jun-00, to, lugnet.gaming)

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